Gynaecological Oncologist



Healthlink EDI: drlamont

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Main Contact:
Phone: (03 9416 3804)
Fax: (03 9923 6344)

About Dr Julie Lamont

Gynecologist Oncologist

Dr Julie Lamont is a subspecialist consultant gynaecological oncologist.  She is the co-Director of the Women's and Children's Clinical Institute at Epworth Healthcare, an executive member of the Australian Society of Gynaecological Oncologists, and a Subspecialist Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  Julie is also the incoming Chair of the RANZCOG CGO written examination and is actively involved in the training of emerging Gynaecological Oncology subspecialists.

Julie has trained in the surgical and medical care of women with gynaecological cancer; gynaecological pre-cancer; as well as general gynaecological conditions.  She completed her formal three year advanced fellowship training at both Monash Health and the Royal Womens Hospital in Melbourne.  

She ensures that she provides leading edge care for her patients and has undertaken training in advanced laparoscopic and robotic surgery, as well as open surgery for gynaecological cancer and complex pelvic conditions.  She is committed to providing full and multidisciplinary care for all of her patients.


2023  Executive Graduate Certificate of Business - (Monash Business School, Melbourne, VIC)

2015  Robotic Surgery Certification – Console Surgeon, Di Vinci Surgical System

2013 CGO - Certificate in Gynaecologic Oncology certification (Subspecialist qualification) (RANZCOG)

2012 FRANZCOG - Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RANZCOG)

2004 PGDipObMG - Postgraduate Diploma of Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology (University of Otago)

2001 MBChB - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (University of Otago)

2001 Distinction in Clinical Pharmacology, Wellington School of Medicine (University of Otago) - EG McQueen Prize

1997 Diploma for Graduates (University of Otago)

1997 Bachelor of Science - Double Major: Biochemistry, Physiology (University of Otago)

Professional Memberships

ASGO            Australian Society of Gynaecological Oncologists (Since 2013)

ANZGOG      Australia New Zealand Gynaecologic Oncology Group (Since 2011)

IGCS              International Gynaecologic Cancer Society (since 2011)

ASCCP          Australian Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (Since 2012)

AGES            Australiasian Gyanecological Endoscopy and Surgery (Since 2015)

RANZCOG    Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Since 2013)

AVANT Insurance

Committees and Professional Activities

2020 - present  Co-director Women's and Children's Clinical Institute, Epworth Healthcare

2020 - present  Steer-co committee member - Julia Argyrou Endometriosis centre at Epworth

2019 - present  Executive member Epworth Freemasons peri-operative Medical Advisory Committee

2017 – present  Examiner – RANZCOG CGO subspecialty exams – written and oral examinations

2016 - present  ASGO - Executive committee memeber

2016 – present  Victorian ovarian cancer mortality database committee

2021 - 2023        Deputy Chair, RANZCOG Gynaecological Oncology Subcommittee

2018 - 2023  Accreditation assessor – Gynaecological Oncology unit accreditation for CGO subspecialty fellow training

2017 – 2023       RANZCOG CGO subspecialty committee member

2016 – 2022  Chair – Gynaecological Oncology Surgical Audit Mercy Health, Melbourne

2016 - 2020        ASGO - Treasurer/Secretary

2015 - 2017        Epworth Health Robotic Subcommitee and Audit meeting